
I wonder if you might have a suggestion for me.

I've got LMS 7.72 running on a Mac running 10.8.2. I've installed the
extension and can play non-MP3 files. As per the instructions, I've
installed rudix and the mpg123 codec, but can't play mp3 files. Here's
some log output:

Starting Squeezelite:
-o Built-in Output -d all=debug -f
[21:25:58.909639] stream_init:264 init stream
[21:25:58.910065] stream_init:265 streambuf size: 2097152
[21:25:58.910128] output_init:1298 init output
[21:25:58.910156] output_init:1301 outputbuf size: 3528000
[21:25:58.910167] output_init:1340 requested latency: 0
[21:25:58.988188] output_init:1357 output: Built-in Output maxrate:
[21:25:58.988248] _pa_open:495 opening device in PlayNice mode
[21:25:58.991062] _pa_open:515 opened device 2 - Built-in Output at
44100 latency 12 ms
[21:25:58.991446] decode_init:101 init decode
[21:25:58.991559] load_faad:534 dlerror: dlopen(libfaad.2.dylib, 2):
image not found
[21:25:58.991643] load_vorbis:212 dlerror: dlopen(libvorbisidec.1.dylib,
2): image not found
[21:25:58.991694] load_flac:175 dlerror: dlopen(libFLAC.8.dylib, 2):
image not found
[21:25:58.991707] register_pcm:191 using pcm
[21:25:58.991749] load_mad:269 dlerror: dlopen(libmad.0.dylib, 2): image
not found
[21:25:58.991852] load_mpg:176 dlerror: dlopen(libmpg123.0.dylib, 2): no
suitable image found.  Did find:
        /usr/local/lib/libmpg123.0.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
[21:25:58.991934] discover_server:622 sending discovery
[21:25:58.992279] discover_server:633 got response from:
[21:25:58.992303] slimproto:674 connecting to
[21:25:58.992400] slimproto:696 connected
[21:25:58.992419] slimproto:712 local player
[21:25:58.992428] sendHELO:109 mac: c8:2a:14:58:24:4c
[21:25:58.992436] sendHELO:111 cap:
[21:25:58.993481] process:407 strm
[21:25:58.993505] process_strm:219 strm command q
[21:25:58.993513] output_flush:1402 flush output buffer
[21:25:58.993522] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMf
[21:25:58.993740] process:407 strm
[21:25:58.993753] process_strm:219 strm command q
[21:25:58.993761] output_flush:1402 flush output buffer
[21:25:58.993769] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMf
[21:25:58.993878] process:411 unhandled setd
[21:25:58.993919] process:411 unhandled setd
[21:25:58.994049] process:407 aude
[21:25:58.994061] process_aude:338 enable spdif: 1 dac: 1
[21:25:58.994235] process:407 audg
[21:25:58.994247] process_audg:355 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536
adjust: 1
[21:26:00.001035] process:407 strm
[21:26:00.001066] process_strm:219 strm command t
[21:26:00.001073] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[21:26:05.000837] process:407 strm
[21:26:05.000874] process_strm:219 strm command t
[21:26:05.000885] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[21:26:05.157789] process:407 strm
[21:26:05.157825] process_strm:219 strm command q
[21:26:05.157833] output_flush:1402 flush output buffer
[21:26:05.157841] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMf


dborod's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=21049
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97766

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