I still am having playback issues on my local network with local files.

Using a ReadyNAS Ultra 6+ with latest server available and most
up-to-date iPeng on an iPad 2.

Local tracks play for 5-20 seconds, and then switch to the next track -
not sometimes, every time now.

iPeng will have 5 tracks set as an upcoming playlist ... start playing
track 1 - all seems fine.  10 seconds later, player jumps to next track.
iPeng player reports still playing track 1.  iPeng becomes
unresponsive.  Will continue skipping from track to track all while
continuing to report still playing track 1.

As I type, iPeng reports being 1:32 into a 5:02 track but is in fact
already onto the 5th track in the playlist ...

Local Squeezebox 3's on the same network do not do this.  Remote
playback via LTE on iPhone seems fine.

When I poke around inside iPeng, eventually it will give me an "Invalid
Client" server error.  I can fiddle with the UI, but my selections have
no effect until eventually they generate the server error.

JeremyPayne's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=12332
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=51929

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