Hello Triode

Many thanks for this wonderful plugin.  I am having just one minor
problem: the Show In My Apps setting does not seem to be working for me
at the moment.

I want Spotify to show up in the Radio menu rather than the My Apps
menu.  So I untick the Show in My Apps setting and restart LMS - but
after the restart Spotify is still in the My Apps menu and the Show in
My Apps setting is ticked again.  I have tried repeated changes and
restarts but no joy.

Not sure when this stopped working for me.  For a long time all was OK
with Spotify in the Radio menu, but I recently updated to 7.8 from 7.7.2
and since then have been unable to move it back - I have even done a
clean install back to 7.7.2, but the problem with the setting always
ticking itself after a restart and Spotify staying in the My Apps menu

Hope you can help

Kind regards


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