The discussion about the new TEN catalog limit motivated me to turn
'this hack'
into something more usable (although my collection is far below the
limit - unfortunately ;-). 
This feature lets you limit your export by song ratings (e.g. to export
only songs rated *** and better). There's a new setting in the SmartMix
preferences page where you  can configure it, default is 0 (export all
tracks). If you switch the logging to debug, you'll see which songs were
skipped in scanner.log.

Note that it also changes the conversion of ratings from LMS->TEN
slightly (see ' this post'
for details). If you don't like this, change by commenting
in lines 137,141 and 146 and  commenting out lines 138,142 and 147

The main benefit to me is that I can limit my export to songs rated
>***, and then only get mixes with music I actually like. Obviously,
this will only work if you have enough rated songs...

If you're feeling adventurous, you can apply the patch to v1.3.6.
Otherwise, let's see if Michael wants to include it into the official

Patch: 14978

NB: Just noticed a small omission in the help text: "Only export songs
with a rating higher than this." should be "Only export songs with a
rating equal or higher than this."

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