Thanks epoch and gharris for your replies,
I had my ext4 partition on RaspbPi SD card corrupted and had to
reinstall back squeezeplug.

I tried what said by setting in etc/sudoers
# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
squeezeboxserver    ALL=NOPASSWD:

And by chmod a+rw /dev/ttyS0
To make this permanent I set /etc/udev/rules.d/50-ttyusb.rules with

Unfortunately I'm not that expert in linux so it takes me some time to
I enter on the Raspberry with Putty always as root.
I just found that user "squeezeboxserver" has bin set to false
# cat /etc/passwd | grep -v nologin
Might this be the problem?

I tried also to set up PowerCenter plugin, but I'm having the same
I installed bottlerocket by apt-get install bottlerocket command,
I don't know if this might be the reason of the problems I'm having,
but the script commands I send via Putty work
(the one in the previous post is the ALL OFF command).

Any help will be greatly appreciated,
thanks again,

PS While settingup ServerPowerControl I've seen that the installation
script won't complete
if I'm logged as root but how can I recover the "squeezeboxuser"
password not to log as root?

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