I just wanted to share a plugin I developed lately. I use it to switch
my amps but it can potentially also be usefull for other scenarios as

The project is hosted at code.google.com and I prepared a web page which
contains all necessary information:


This is both, my first LMS plugin and my first perl project. In the
course of development the Denon AVP Plugin was an invaluable source of

Hope it is helpful for one or the other. Bug reports, ideas, questions,
etc. are very welcome.


Primary: LMS on Win 7 PC, 4 SBT, 1 Duet, 1 piCorePlayer & HifiMeDIY
Sabre II DAC, 2 Duet Controller, 2 iPods, 1 iPhone (iPeng), Sony XPeria
Mini & ION,  Android Tablet (SqueezeControl, OrangeSqueeze,
SqueezeCommander) -- Secondary: Mobile Server based on SqueezePlug on
RaspBerry PI
cadfish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58296
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=100514

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