
I tried out a similar test using an Arch x64 LMS and a Windows 7 LMS
(both wired). I'm also using a different router: TWG870. 

Case 3a:
Thompson TWG870 Cable Router. 
Wired Windows 7 LMS server. Wireless RPi client.
Wireless Squeezelite client (positioned upstairs from router. Signal
~90% according to wicd).
Playing a spotify sample for approx. 30 sec.
Server outgoing data rate: ~1450 kbps
Client incoming data rate: ~1450 kbps
No. of packets received by client from server: ~5100
% package loss: ~3.5%
Result: Sample plays without a problem.

Case 3b:
Thompson TWG870 Cable Router. 
Wired Arch x64 LMS server. Wireless RPi client.
Wireless Squeezelite client (positioned upstairs from router. Signal
~90% according to wicd).
Playing a spotify sample for approx. 30 secs.
Server outgoing data rate: ~950 kbps
Client incoming data rate: ~950 kbps
No. of packets received by client from server: ~2908
% package loss: ~2.2%
Result: Sample stutters and sometimes goes to next song in playlist.

It looks like it's either a problem with the linux helper app streaming
or the linux network stack. Would you agree or have any other ideas?



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