I'm seeing the same problem with a wired Arch X64 server and a wireless
Squeezelite client running on a Raspberry Pi. I ran a few test cases to
try and narrow it down. I used iptraf to track data rates and ifconfig
to track packet loss.

Case 1a:
Cisco EPC2524 Cable Router. 
Wired Arch x64 LMS server. 
Wireless Squeezelite client (positioned in close proxyimity to the
Playing a 24-192Khz (approx 5500 kbps) flac for approx. 1 minute.
Server outgoing rate: ~5500 kps
Client incoming rate: ~5500 kps
No. of packets received by client from server: 27087
% package loss: ~0.6%
Result: Sample plays without problem.

Case 1b:
Cisco EPC2524 Cable Router. 
Wired Arch x64 LMS server. 
Wireless Squeezelite client (positioned in close proxyimity to the
Playing a spotify sample for approx. 1 minute.
Server outgoing data rate: ~1170 kps
Client incoming data rate: ~1170 kps
No. of packets received by client from server: 8352
% package loss: 0.8%
Result: Sample plays without problem.

Case 2a:
Cisco EPC2524 Cable Router. 
Wired Arch x64 LMS server. 
Wireless Squeezelite client (positioned upstairs from router. Signal
~90% according to wicd).
Playing a 24-192Khz (approx 5500 kbps) flac for approx. 1 minute.
Server outgoing data rate: ~5500 kps
Client incoming data rate: ~5500 kps
No. of packets received by client from server:  ~31374
% package loss: ~3.4%
Result: Sample plays without problem.

Case 2b:
Cisco EPC2524 Cable Router. 
Wired Arch x64 LMS server. 
Wireless Squeezelite client (positioned upstairs from router. Signal
~90% according to wicd).
Playing a spotify sample for approx. 1 minute.
Server outgoing data rate: ~1000 kps
Client incoming data rate: ~1000 kps
No. of packets received by client from server: ~7094
% package loss: ~3.7%
Result: Sample stutters and sometimes goes to next song in playlist.

According the the log there's a problem writing enough samples (39632 /

[20:26:13.591532] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
[20:26:13.591555] _streambuf_canwrite:320 player: 0 can't write error:
Resource temporarily unavailable 11
[20:26:13.591575] music_delivery:517 returning without writing - can't
[20:26:13.591596] music_delivery:525 streamed frames: 3321856 can't
write: 959 rate: 39632 / 44100

It looks like the plugin (on Arch x64) is very intolerant when the
network is dropping an acceptable amount of packets (5-10%). The data
rate to the client also drops by about 10% even though there is plenty
of bandwidth remaining.

If there's anything more I can do please let me know.

Thanks for a great plugin.


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