I got Spotify today because of the impending shutdown of MOG.  Spotify
didn't work but the Triode plugin did however I also have no Radio
function.  If I click a stream the timer advances like it is playing
normally but no sound..

One other bit of weirdness.  With Logitech Media Server 7.3.3 (on Mac) I
could see both plugins, official and triode. Both would stream music (at
work on the mac, but only the triode plugin would stream at home on
Raspberry Pi).

So at work both stream but it would break up so often it was unusable. 
So then I uninstalled LMS 7.7.3 and installed 7.8

Then installed the triode plugin.  Without fail after doing it a few
times it makes the official plugin go away.  BUT.....it streams
perfectly (except no radio, never had a radio previous to this anyway).

Now get this.  If I delete the official plugin and restart everything
the official plugin is back and the triode plugin shows as not

Anyway I could care less about all this.  I'm happy with the Triode
plugin being the only one.

My only issue is I'd like the radio to stream.

And totally unrelated I got an email from Beats complaining about MOG
and the Squeezebox integration going away and this is what they wrote.

-Tanza Williams (Beats Music Support)
Jan 21 16:26

Hi John,

Thanks for contacting Beats. Unfortunately we do not offer Beats Music
on Squeezebox, but we will be working on that. For now you can enjoy our
7-day trial on iOS devices, Android, Sonos, Windows mobile or on the

Hope this helps!

Beats Music Listener Support-

hagensieker's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59959
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79706

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