Hi Michael,

Thank you so much for your plug-in. Unfortunately I have been having a
problem since weeks and been troubleshooting it by reading this thread
but could not find anything relevant to it. I even uninstalled and
reinstalled the plugin several times to no avail. The import from
SmartMix didn't seem to catalog any local music I had. My music
collection is about 7000+ (less than 10K) and it completed the scan in 9

Below is the error I found by turning on the debug option for scanner.

_headers => bless({
"access-control-allow-origin" => "*",
"cache-control"               => "max-age=86400",
"client-date"                 => "Sun, 13 Apr 2014 15:14:07
"client-peer"                 => "",
"client-response-num"         => 1,
connection                    => "Keep-alive",
"content-length"              => 290,
"content-type"                => "application/json;
date                          => "Sun, 13 Apr 2014 15:14:08
"keep-alive"                  => "timeout=15, max=100",
server                        => "TornadoServer/3.1",
via                           => "1.1 ID-0000627501223746
"x-api-key"                   => "*",
"x-ratelimit-limit"           => 120,
"x-ratelimit-remaining"       => 119,
"x-ratelimit-used"            => 1,
"x-request-id"                => "0tp9tvuGRh+zMi3I/EGH7g",
"x-worker-node"               => "322a7:16181",
}, "HTTP::Headers"),
_msg => "Bad Request",
_protocol => "HTTP/1.1",
_rc => 400,
_request => bless({
_content => 

And this one too (just did a clear and rescan from Smartmix plugin
[14-04-14 00:01:30.4940] Plugins::SmartMix::Importer::runExport (179)
Failed to update the taste profile:{
_ratelimit     => {
ttl => "1397426525",
"x-ratelimit-limit" => 120,
"x-ratelimit-remaining" => 108,
"x-ratelimit-used" => 12,
_smartmix_args => {

It never succeeded in scanning my local music:
[14-04-14 00:01:30.5148] Plugins::SmartMix::Importer::doneScanning (247)
Finished exporting to Taste Profile
[14-04-14 00:01:30.5158] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (617)
Completed Plugins::SmartMix::Importer Scan in 9 seconds.
[14-04-14 00:01:30.7092] Slim::Music::Artwork::precacheAllArtwork (447)
Starting precacheArtwork for 3 albums
[14-04-14 00:01:31.6896] Slim::Music::Artwork::__ANON__ (552)
precacheArtwork finished in 0.969058990478516
[14-04-14 00:01:31.6905] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (617)
Completed precacheArtwork Scan in 1 seconds.
[14-04-14 00:01:31.8295] Slim::Music::Import::runScanPostProcessing
(400) Starting Database optimization.
[14-04-14 00:01:32.2225] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (617)
Completed dbOptimize Scan in 0 seconds.
[14-04-14 00:01:32.4121] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::shutdownPlugins
(365) Shutting down plugins...
[14-04-14 00:01:32.6333] Slim::bootstrap::theEND (436) Got to the END
[14-04-14 00:01:32.6347] Slim::bootstrap::sigint (400) Got sigint

Taste profile export finished in 9 seconds is unlikely... can you please
assist me where did it go wrong?

My music files have good meta tags (I believe) ....

Thank you in advance for your help!

ps: awesome plugin to discover songs from Spotify!

janus's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=62801
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97668

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