I recently purchased a used touch. I'm quite happy with it, but I can't
have IR Blaster working. 
I also have a SB3 and I could use IR blaster with the "IR learning"
plugin and it's so convenient to change the volume, turn on and off from
the SB remote or from LMS !
But this doesn't work with the touch, as the IR blaster touch module
can't use raw codes.
I have an old Denon PMA-980R amplifier with a remote ref RC-151. I
didn't found the conf file on the lirc internet page.
So i tried to do myself the conf file. 
As I didn't had a IR receiver, I bought a usb IR receiver
sorry the page is in french, and I managed to record a conf file with
I used that command line :

    # irrecord --device=/dev/lirc0 --disable-namespace MyRemote

I get this basic conf file, just to try :

    begin remote
  name  MyRemote
  bits           15
  eps            30
  aeps          100
  one           237  1862
  zero          237   813
  ptrail        241
  gap          67300
  toggle_bit_mask 0x0
  begin codes
  PowerAmp_On              0x2024 0x23DB
  PowerAmp_Off             0x2024 0x23DB
  Volume_Up                0x22C4 0x213B
  Volume_Down              0x20C4 0x233B
  end codes
  end remote

IR blaster plugin accept this conf file, but nothing appends when I test
I tried this file with the touch and the SB3 and this is the same,
nothing works.

I was wondering if the conf file would be of RC6 codes, as IR blaster
for the touch only supports RC5 codes.
So, I tried to configure the IR receiver for RC5.
If I run 

    # ir-keytable
  Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event13) with:
  Driver mceusb, table rc-rc6-mce
  Supported protocols: NEC RC-5 RC-6 JVC SONY SANYO LIRC other 
  Enabled protocols: NEC RC-5 RC-6 JVC SONY SANYO LIRC other 
  Name: Media Center Ed. eHome Infrared 
  bus: 3, vendor/product: 147a:e03e, version: 0x1201
  Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

and then :

    # ir-keytable -p RC5 -s rc0
  Protocols changed to RC-5

But then if I try to capture again the codes with irrecord, there is no
data and it aborts.
I'm stucked now, I don't know what to do !

Thanks a lot for help.

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