I'm aware that image requests can ask the server to resize
the image, but this can slow image fetches down even more. In my tests
it was faster to have Squeezer ask the server for a 1024x1024 album
artwork image and scale it down on the phone than it was to ask my
Squeezeserver (running on a QNAP 409) to scale the image first.  And

You can ask LMS to pre-cache the size you want. It then would save copies in your size during a scan. Delivery when you request it will be very fast.


trying to send too many of these resize-the-image requests to the server
resulted in my server consuming too much CPU and never recovering (to
the point where I had to restart the NAS).

Depending on the server's hardware your phone might indeed have a much more powerful CPU and more RAM :-).


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