If I add my own repo, I can successfully update to the .20 version. If
the repo is not there, I see that an update is available, even if the
plugin is not installed (or maybe was previously installed -- not sure).
But is will never install.
Probably because the 'squeezebox repo'
(http://mysqueezebox.com/public/plugins/other.xml) points to the .19
version, but the download is the .20 version. So the SHA1 hash for the
zip file will not match. Not sure why the squeezebox repo no longer
syncs with my repo. In a future update, I will include the version
naming in the zip file, and keep some older versions available to
counter this problem. Either include 'my repo'
(http://server.vijge.net/static/squeezebox/repo.xml), or wait until the
squeezebox repo is updated.

For the SSL problem, I will eventually look into that, but don't have a
lot of time at the moment. Pull request to GitHub are always welcome.

My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
(http://server.vijge.net/squeezebox/) for Touch (and maybe Radio)
505's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44967
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=92723

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