I found a solution to get the binaries of the squeezeboxpackage working
with the Max2Play-Image with Ubuntu 14 (missing symlink in library
folder). I will release it with the next update 1.09 and put it into the
squeezeboxserver installation. You need to update Max2Play and reinstall
squeezeboxserver to get the changes (settings will be kept).

@slartibartfast: it was not really connected to the 64bit vs 32bit
problem but the interpreter for the binaries was missing (not in place
where it should be)

@CommanderROR: to update to Ubuntu 14 please download the latest
Max2Play-Image (upgrading from Ubuntu 13 won't be as easy).

@mkkyah: Good to know that http-Links for Podcasts seem to work!

    --I've found a possible small bug in web-ui: I don't use Squeezelite and 
Shairport, so Autostart Squeezelite and Autostart Shairport boxes are unchecked 
by my setup, but after every upgrade (1.6>1.7 and 1,7>1.8) they come back 
checked. Other settings are ok.

Well - the update package always overwrites the current settings for
autostart as it makes updates easier for new entries. I will change this
in the future.

    One more question: Is it possible to have HDMI for xbmc and analog output 
or USB-DAC for LMS, without the need to turn off one of them?

Yes, it should be possible (but very special). If XBMC (running pulse)
does not try to capture the audio-device of the USB-DAC, squeezelite and
XBMC may run the same time. But if you use your USB-DAC for 5.1 sound in
XBMC, then you won't share it with squeezelite ;). As I still try to
focus on a "one for all" Image this feature won't be available by

@mherger: thanks for your help on the podcast link - maybe you can help
me with this one too:

I have an other problem with the squeezeboxserver that tries to generate
a picture from a mp3. The music library has 30.000 songs and with Perl
5.14 under Ubuntu 13.10 everything works (Images are generated and
squeezeboxserver does not die), but with Perl 5.18 and Ubuntu 14.04
there are 2 albums that break the Media Library Scan and even bring the
squeezeboxserver to a permanent restart when it is trying to generate an
image out of the mp3. 
Any ideas how this could happen or how to solve it? 
May be important: For the Max2Play-Image I installed the CPAN
Image::Scale (version 0.8) from the CPAN sources and not the one that
comes with the squeezeboxserver (because I had problems with the testing
-> buildme.sh failed) . Are any changes to the official CPAN
Image::Scale, that might cause trouble?

2 x Max2Play on ODROID U2/U3 with LMS, Squeezelite, Shairport, XBMC
1 x Squeezebox Receiver
1 x Denon 1713 AVR + Nubert 5.1 System

Max2Play-Image for ODROID: http://shop.max2play.com/de/image-max2play
flysurfer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=61064
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=101856

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