wt0 wrote: 
> What's the start screen situation?
It's solved. It had nothing to do with SB Player and I guess it was a
beginner's problem.

In Amazon's default setup, only certain apps (such as Amazon Music,
Amazon Video, and certain apps approved specifically for the FTV) are
allowed to appear on the start screen.

This wasn't convenient as I mostly want to use the FTV for two purposes:
(i) XBMC (or SPMC) and (ii) SB Player. So the problem of the automatic
launch of XBMC was solved via the Amazon FireTV Utility app. It's pretty
sweet. With a few clicks, you install llama and a llama config. The
llama config is such that the FTV boots into XBMC. By hitting the home
button, you can get to Amazon's default start screen (which gives you
access to things like your Amazon Prime Watchlist). But, if you let the
FTV idle for 15 secs, it goes to sleep and, when waking it up from
sleep, your back in XBMC. So that's pretty sweet. You don't really have
to bother anymore with Amazon's really convoluted way of accessing
non-approved apps such as XBMC in the default config.

Last thing I need now is some llama rules for SB player. I don't think
it will be mission impossible, I may post back here with a setup. I want
to have SB player to start at boottime. Actually, I would like to always
have it running so that I don't have to turn on the TV when I just want
to listen to music.

I mean, it's pretty sweet that you can launch SB player from XBMC. But
it would be still sweeter if I don't need to launch it at all.

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