Marc Bartsch wrote: 
> Hi,
> These are instructions of how to create a single Composers menu entry in
> My Music using the CustomBrowse Plugin. Such a menu item will be cached
> by the latest version of Soundicity and allows for a quick access to
> composers.
> 1.    Open the server web front end and install the CustomBrowse and
> LicenseManager Plugin from the Plugin tab on the settings page of your
> server.
> 2.    From the Advanced tab choose LicenseManger and make sure you have a
> valid license for CustomBrowse. There is a 30-day test license
> available.
> 3.    From the Advanced tab choose Custom Browse.
> 4.    Set a valid Browse Configuration Directory.
> 5.    Set Menu Position to Extra. This will hide the Custom Browse menu in
> the Extra menu and won’t show up in My Music.
> 6.    Choose Manage Menus from the Settings Section drop down.
> 7.    Choose Create New Menu and then Composers => Next => Save.
> 8.    Choose Enabled menus.
> 9.    Uncheck all.
> 10.   Check Composers in both columns.
> 11.   Click Apply and restart your server.
> Let me know whether this works for you.
> All the best,
> Marc.

Hi, here just to inform you that in Logitech Media Server vesion 7.9 we
now have Additional Browse Menu (is a standard plugin form logitech)
that allows you to define menu items based on Artist Roles (composer is
one). Any menu item could then be enabled or disabled for each and every

Then you have the capability to define 'libraries' (called also sub
libraries or virtual libraries), each library being a partial view of
your music collection.

Easiest way to define a library is using Advanced searches and save them
as ... libraries using the standard option. This way you could define
i.e. 'classical' library based on genres.

Library could be difined in more sofisticated ways by plugins, an
example is provided with the server (sub-library demo plugin) and you
could just modify and save it as a user plugin.

No matter how Library are defined, you could then select one of them by
the "library view' menu item, and from this moment on, all the user
interface will work as if your collection was limited to te selected
library contents, until you revert the library selection.

In a more sophisticated way, using Additional Browse as explained before
to define the composer browse, you could limit the browse to a specific
Library, that way you coud have, i.e. 'Classical by composer',
'Classical by conductor', 'Pop by Artist' and 'Jazz by Artist' browses
each working on a subset of Artists defined both by the library (genre)
and role played.

More, everithing here is 'standard' by logitech in 7.9, no additonal
fees or licences required. and is the infrastructures plugin developers
are going to use from now one.

Custom browse, togheter with the others great Earland's plugins, are
still needed to define browses based on 'custom' attributes, but not
reuired anymore when using 'standard LMS attributes.

Thanks to Michael for this.

Please have a look to this functionalities and provide them support in
your great app.


SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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