Many thanks for the replacement menu.oplm files.

Just one thought:

My understanding is that, at least on Windows, if you use the Control
Panel to clear the cache (using the Advanced/"Clean cache folder,
including media library database, artwork cache, etc." option) it will
delete the contents of the Cache folder (including the new menu.oplm
file). The contents are then rebuilt when LMS is restarted and sometimes
there are prompts to update the plugins so that their contents can be
rebuilt too. This would probably mean that the revised menu.oplm was
replaced by the original version.

So it would be a very good idea to keep a copy of the revised menu.oplm
in another location, in case you need to copy it over again.

Do correct me if I am mistaken.

Touch, Meridian G92, Meridian G55, PMC OB1i speakers, HP Proliant
Microserver/Ubuntu, PC/Windows 7, iPad 4, iPeng, Squeezepad.
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