yeomanspc wrote: 
> I've installed Iplayer 1.3.1 Alpha2.  Also the amended file
> posted a few pages back.  Playback works, then drops between 20 seconds
> and perhaps an hour after starting - usually around 60-90 seconds.  This
> is on Radio 2 this morning.  Any ideas what I should change?  This is on
> a QNAP NAS with a I3370 quad intel chip and 16gb memory - cpu not going
> above 10%.  Trying other stations now.  Was ok last evening.  On an 8mb
> line (getting 6), so would not expect it to be download bandwidth. 
> Players are wired on GB LAN.
> Seriously indebted to the commitment of folk on here - naming one would
> be unfair since I can see perhaps 6 - 10 contributors - thanks all.  SB
> has been rock solid for 10+ years - this is the first glitch

You could try upping FETCH_CHUNKS back to Triode's original value of 5
in, line 18:

    use constant FETCH_CHUNKS => 5; # number of chunks to prefetch

I don't think that is going to do anything, but is worth trying.

Other than that, try turning on full debug logging for plugin.bbcxplayer
and plugin.bbcxplayer.hls - there should be a clue there. Also, the
plugin is still an Alpha state - I've seen it get into funny states
after dropping streams that require an LMS restart to fix.

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