Hi Michael,

I only edited a few words in SmartMix.pm (Qobuz) and I'm pretty sure it
should be possible to implement this without breaking the functionality
for others by not replacing the "artist" with "composer" but rather
adding an additional check, if it does not find anything in "artist".
You already do this for "interpreter" I think. I commented out the first
line because I couldn't figure out what it does, and didn't want to
break the functionality I had achieved by adding in something I
understood even less than the rest... ;)
The last line can probably be restored, you explained to me on github
why it returns the "false" flag on "streamable". Since I had no trouble
(so far) with leaving the "streamable" tag out of the equation I just
left it out for now.

About the "genre" check...

My idea (probably silly) was to add an (optional) check in the
SmartMix.pm that checks the results Qobuz returns for Title and
Artist/Composer against the genre of the seed track (or in the case of
genre radio the defined genre) and filters out those where the tag does
not match. However, it might be that this causes more trouble than it's
worse, and I currently only rarely get wrong ones anyway.


    for my $track ( @{$searchResult->{tracks}->{items}} ) {
  #next unless $track->{performer} && $track->{id} && $track->{title};
  my $artist = '';
  $artist = $track->{album}->{composer}->{name} if $track->{album} && 
  $artist = $track->{composer}->{name} if $artist !~ /\Q$searchArtist\E/i;
  next unless $artist;
  next if $track->{released_at} > time || (!$track->{streamable_at} && 
  push @$candidates, {
  title  => $track->{title},
  artist => $artist,
  url    => Plugins::Qobuz::ProtocolHandler->getUrl($track),

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