pippin wrote: 
> This is iPeng 9.0.3?
> Which iPad model is this?
> Do you use a jailbreak or have you enabled any of the accessibility
> options?
> It sounds like for some reason iPeng can't load some views but I'm not
> really seeing crash reports for this. Will have to look a bit deeper,
> there aren't too many iOS 8 users out there anymore

I have a standard non jailbroken iPad Mini 1st gen, so it's a shrunken
iPad 2. Not sure about the accessibility options, are there any in
particular that I need?

It should be iPeng 9.0.3, I can't check but there are no more updates
for me to download. I click on submit reports when it crashes, but I
guess you may not get them. I haven't upgraded to ios9 or whatever it is
as I don't want the reduced performance that it has on the iPad Mini. I
could if needed though.

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