epoch1970 wrote: 
> I appreciate the idea you had on your 1st post, summarizing the plugin
> evolution in a few short lines. Very useful.
> However since the thread is a mix of support and announce posts, it has
> become, I think, a bit unwieldy to newcomers (like I was.)

I'm not sure what editing the first post will do.

This is not a released plugin - it is still test and in development. 
The first post has an URL for a repository which will give the user the
latest version of the plugin.
The repository has the change history which is the same info as the post
you referenced.

It is still a test version plugin because BBC haven't yet announced DASH
is public and fully supported. The BBC still make small changes often to
underlying system. It is clear the BBC still haven't figure a way to
address some issues.  For example, there many many program on BBC site
which are not in DASH format - so if a user decide to use BBC beta
version of web player (i.e DASH) - they will find some program will not
play.  Furthermore, there are other issues which needs to be resolved.
So using DASH can only be recommended to users who understand these
issues and do not need handholding and realise it may break any day.  
So widespread use of the plugin is not a good idea.

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