bpa wrote: 
> IIRC to enable wma over http port 80 as well as mms - the operator only
> needs to tick a check box - the usual nudge to operators is tell them
> they lose workplace listeners with firewalls as http over port 80 is not
> blocked.  
> However YLE may be trying to wean users off WMA in order to shut down
> WMA streams. When the BBC said they were shutting down their WMA streams
> with an immediate cut-off - they implied the MS contracts were onerous
> and so BBC did not want to extend them. WMA stream seemed to be the
> hardest to maintain and support and didn't scale well.

I discovered later that http:// WMA also works fine, so I don't *think*
they're planning to shut down WMA, but I'm not sure! I guess in the long
run they will because it's an outdated codec.

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