Jackisidore wrote: 
> Thanks for this nice plugin.
> Every folder with mp3 or flac files should have a file
> 'simple-library-views-libraryviewname'? Would it be possible to place
> one file 'simple-library-views-libraryviewname' which is valid for all
> mp3 and flac files in subfolders?
I did consider doing this, but decided against it as the scanning
process would then have to start walking up the directory tree for each
media file it finds, looking to see if the appropriately named file is
in one of the parent directories. It'd also have to be careful not to
walk up higher than the top level of the music library!

When Michael did his optimisations, I think one of the big performance
hits he found was in actually looking for the library file in the
directory, which is why this is now cached during the scanning process.

I might have a look at some point to see just how much of a performance
hit this would be.


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