I've just downloaded Squeeze Ctrl for my android phone (Nexus 5) after
having used the Logitech ap (until it failed to work anymore) and then
Squeezer (which worked fine, even with all the cue files I could throw
at it).

But I can't get many cue files to open with Squeeze Ctrl and I can't
figure out why. The ap won't even play the large flac files. It will
play some cue files, just not all of them,

Obviously the ap can play these files so what going wrong. I hope it
doesn't have anything to do with the way the relevant cue files and flac
files are named because I have a huge collection, rather haphazardly
named and tagged, and lots of cue files are affected. Certainly,
Squeezer didn't have this issue and I will have to go back to it
immediately if I can't sort out this problem.

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