Owen Smith wrote: 
> Radio delayed by 10 seconds, no big deal. Radio delayed by over a minute
> (I saw 68 seconds this morning), that starts to be annoyingly long.

What version of plugin areyou using ?  Do you have any delay between
pressing play and hearing audio ?

As I posted earlier the MP3 streams are about 40 secs later than real
time (i.e. LW/Freesat)  - I don't believe any of the internet stream
have less delay - time to write to bBC and perhaps they'll stop

With a few tweaks I can get the DASH stream down to about 40 secs but
then the start delay gets more noticeable so I'm not sure it is worth
it.  LMS has a buffer threshold it won't start playing until buffer has
a certain amount of data which gets difficult to manage as DASH is
chunked http.

So you have a choice.

1. Minimal delay - play MP3 streams and accept slightly lower quality
for UK listeners (UK 128kbps vs 320kbps, Non-UK 128kBps vs 96kbps).
2. A little more delay but ability to go back in time and/or better
quality for UK listeners- DASH.

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