Hi Mirko,
if i got your ideas correctly, you might want to go with a config
similar to the following (proposed in the FAQS):

   aggregate[inbound]: dst_host
   aggregate[outbound]: src_host
   aggregate_filter[inbound]: dst net
   aggregate_filter[outbound]: src net
   plugins: mysql[inbound], mysql[outbound]
   sql_table[inbound]: acct_in
   sql_table[outbound]: acct_out

Such setup will allow you to get two different SQL tables: acct_in
containing incoming traffic to your 192.168.x hosts and acct_out
containing outgoing traffic from your 192.168.x hosts on a per-host
basis. On a plus side, your tables will remain small. You can also
still choose dynamic tables on top of this.

Alternatively, you might still want to go with your original setup
(sum_host) introducing the networks_file directive (see CONFIG-KEYS
for further infos) in your config, ie.

  networks_file: /path/to/networks.lst

and inside your networks.lst file, just one line:


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