Hello Paolo,
  Could you please tell about current state of this question.


On 04/19/2009 01:00:48 PM, Paolo Lucente wrote:
Hi Alex,

DST is not supported. Timezones are. The idea behind this was that a
backend application (like pmacct is) should ideally work only with UTC
(even if timezones are supported) and then front-ends should localize
the time as required.

I don't understand where the conversion to local time is happening
regarding this problem, but what makes sense to me is to collect
timestamps in UTC, store them in UTC when storing them in a database,
and let whatever's pulling the data out of the db present the data
to the user in whatever fashion makes sense.  Any other approach,
i.e. working in local time or DST, makes working across time zones
difficult, and computing intervals (in the case of DST) impossible.
(Because when you look at a time during the hour when DST moves
the clock back you don't know which hour you are in.)

As, it seems, timezones are supported, then those that want
to struggle with an approach other than the above can already
do so because timezones account for DST.  I don't know what
it means to support timezones and not support DST so don't
know what DST support would mean.  I would think that
all the support for timezones, DST, and the like is already
in the localization facilities supplied by the OS and
that's where it should stay.

Karl <k...@meme.com>

Прогноз погоды ТУТ - http://pogoda.tut.by

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