Hi Slava,

On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 10:01:28PM +0200, Slava Dubrovskiy wrote:

> Yes, I remove sql_multi_values and it working. But as I understand this
> this give more performance.

Was suspecting so & correct.

> Is it possible use it? And it working good. Problem only when I stop it.

It has to be identified what is causing it. The problem it flags is
duplicates within the primary key. This is because the UPDATE query
cannot be used as part of the sql_dont_try_update (which, once again
gives better performances, so good it is enabled). 

You should get a few examples of which rows are clashing (take one
duplicate error message and search for that row in the database).
If stopping-starting-stopping pmacct in a very short sequence you
might obvioulsy have to clean up the database for the test to be
consistent. Verify whether the clash makes sense or not - given
your schema and configuration.

One last note: last time you posted your config, i recall you did
enable 'nfacctd_time_new' which is recommended when using NetFlow
in conjunction with these SQL directives. Is it still the case,


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