Hi Ross,

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 09:57:05AM -0400, Ross Vandegrift wrote:

> Thanks for the examples!  I'm having trouble with the iptables piece
> of the puzzle though.  I suspect this is because I'm mirroring traffic
> to this server and the L2 destination doesn't match any address
> present on the server.  I've tried add ebtables dnat to rewrite the
> destination MAC of incoming frames to the local interface address, but
> this doesn't work.

I'm curious: if mirroring traffic to the box, why resorting to uacctd
and iptables/etables? You have pmacctd (libpcap-based) readily available
for such scenario. With uacctd covering the case where traffic is being
cleanly routed through (or to) the Linux box.


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