
I get many errors in my log:

DEBUG ( default/mysql ): FAILED query follows:
INSERT INTO `acct_bgp` (stamp_updated, stamp_inserted, as_src, as_dst, 
local_pref, peer_as_dst, packets, bytes) VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(1271412061), 
FROM_UNIXTIME(1271411700), 0, 29791, 120, 28809, 1766, 379285)
ERROR ( default/mysql ): Duplicate entry 
'0-0-29791-0-28809-----120-0-2010-04-16 13:55:00' for key 1

Nfacctd process during the occurrence of these errors.
54055  p5  S+     0:27.57 nfacctd: Core Process [default] (nfacctd)
54056  p5  S+     0:19.70 nfacctd: MySQL Plugin [default] (nfacctd)
54083  p5  S+     0:04.32 nfacctd: SQL Plugin -- DB Writer (urgent) [default] 

Pmacct receives netflow v5 info from cisco router with traffic through
interfaces approximately 4.5Gbit/s (sum in/out).

Mysql scripts pmacct-create-db_bgp_v1.mysql.

Start cmd for testing: ./nfacctd -f mysql.conf

My config:

daemonize: false
promisc: false
!debug: true
plugins: mysql
plugin_pipe_size: 40960000
plugin_buffer_size: 40960
nfacctd_ip: x.x.x.x
nfacctd_port: 9985
nfacctd_time_new: true
aggregate: src_as, dst_as, local_pref, peer_dst_as
pmacctd_as: bgp
bgp_daemon: false
bgp_daemon_ip: x.x.x.x
bgp_daemon_port: 179
bgp_daemon_max_peers: 1
bgp_agent_map: /usr/local/pmacct/sbin/agent_to_peer.map
bgp_peer_src_as_type: map
bgp_peer_src_as_map: /usr/local/pmacct/sbin/peers.map
sql_db: pmacct
sql_table_version: 1
sql_table_type: bgp
sql_passwd: xxxxxx
sql_user: pmacct
sql_optimize_clauses: true
sql_dont_try_update: true
sql_cache_entries: 256000
sql_multi_values: false
sql_history_roundoff: mhd
sql_history: 1m
sql_refresh_time: 30
sql_table: acct_bgp

Any hints?

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