Hi Thomas,

2014-05-28 9:47 GMT+02:00 Thomas King <thomas.k...@de-cix.net>:

> - From the documentation I reasoned that pmacct/nfacct is able to handle
> IPFIX sampling. I use IPFIX sampling with a sampling rate of 10000. From
> the results I see (pmacct or prng) the sampling rate is not recognised by
> pmacct/nfacct. I also tried to configure the sampling rate by using the
> configuration key nfacctd_ext_sampling_rate which did not resolve the
> issue. Is there a know issue with recognising the sampling rate from the
> IPFIX data? Or did I miss how to configure pmacct/nfacct correctly?

on my side I modify my sql queries to take our sampling rate into account :

example : select round(SUM(bytes)*8000/300*8/1000000,2) AS mbps

If I use a 8000 sampling rate, I just multiply the pmacct store value by
I divide my 300 to have the number of bytes per seconds (My aggregation is
done every 5 minutes)
I multiply by 8 to have bits and not bytes
And divide by 1000000 to have mbits instead of bits

I can easily simplify the operations but in this example I kept it clear so
it's easier to see.

> - I would like to generate rrd files for traffic going in and out of a MAC
> address. I also would like to generate rrd files for the communication
> between a MAC address and another MAC address (in and out). The
> configuration of pmacct/nfacct is actually quite easy. However, I had
> difficulties to generate the rrd files. I tried pnrg version 0.1 which is
> from 2006 and not updated ever since. It also has problems with creating
> rrd files and graphs based on MAC addresses. So I assume there should be a
> better solution than pnrg to generate rrd files. What is the default way of
> generating rrd files using pmacct/nfacct (I saw the section in the FAQ
> talking about rrd files, but this is nothing I can use as I would like to
> generate thousands rrd files :-))?
On our side we (one of my colleague did that actually) have collecd using
the dbi plugin to generate RRD's using the results of SQL queries (

For instance we generate RRD's for all AS PATH which generate at least a
certain amount of traffic (so I don't end up with a gazillion files).

And when I want to draw the graph for a particular AS destination, I just
stack all as-path rrd's ending by the AS in particular.

Here is an example :

This graph clearly show when I setup a peering with AS XXX.

(I have remove the name, scale and values of the AS Destination)

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