That did it! My apologies for not seeing the sql_delimiter directive
while reading through the documentation. I will try to rtfm better in
the future.


On 12/03/2014 11:21 PM, Paolo Lucente wrote:
> Hi Pat,
> Give a try changing the COPY delimiter using the sql_delimiter directive.
> You can read more about the directive in CONFIG-KEYS. Keep me posted.
> Cheers,
> Paolo
> On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 01:30:20AM -0800, THE MIGHTY VEXORG wrote:
>> Using the pgsql plugin with both sql_use_copy and as_path as part of the
>> aggregate appears to cause errors during the copy. It seems that there
>> is an occasional extra comma in the as_path which then causes the copy
>> to fail. This only appears to happen with the pgsql plugin when both
>> sql_use_copy is true and as_path is part of the aggregate.
>> relevant parts of my nfacctd.conf:
>> aggregate[bgp_hourly]: src_as, dst_as, peer_src_ip, peer_dst_ip,
>> as_path, std_comm, local_pref, med, in_iface
>> aggregate[flat]: src_as, dst_as, peer_src_ip, peer_dst_ip, as_path,
>> std_comm, local_pref, med, in_iface
>> plugins: print[flat], pgsql[bgp_hourly]
>> sql_use_copy[bgp_hourly]: true
>> print_output[flat]: csv
>> "flat" was used to print to csv file to help troubleshoot this problem.
>> When the error occurs, the postgresql log has the following:
>> 2014-12-02 19:50:51 EST ERROR:  22P04: extra data after last expected column
>> 2014-12-02 19:50:51 EST CONTEXT:  COPY acct_bgp_hourly_20141202_1900,
>> line 28889: "2014-12-02 19:50:51,2014-12-02 19:00:00,0,5,64520,577:55
>> 577:5606 577:11100 577:22111,174 39743 {322..."
>> 2014-12-02 19:50:51 EST LOCATION:  NextCopyFrom, copy.c:2376
>> 2014-12-02 19:50:51 EST STATEMENT:  COPY acct_bgp_hourly_20141202_1900
>> (stamp_updated, stamp_inserted, as_src, iface_in, as_dst, comms,
>> as_path, local_pref, med, peer_ip_src, peer_ip_dst, packets, bytes) FROM
>> and the corresponding line from the csv file:
>> 0,64520,577:55_577:5606_577:11100_577:22111,174_39743_{3223,64520},110,0,,,5,4,160
>> It looks like the extra comma in the as_path field matches the
>> delimiter, making postgresql think there is an extra field. Is there a
>> way around this other than setting sql_use_copy to false or not
>> collecting as_path data when using the pgsql plugin? Is there any other
>> information I should collect to better troubleshoot this problem? In my
>> setup, setting sql_use_copy to false makes it hard for nfacct/pgsql to
>> be able to keep up with the incoming flows, so I would prefer to avoid
>> that option if possible.
>> Pat
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