Hi Pau,

On the sampling part: this is not supported but for a good reason, i
would say. Sampling is, yes, about sending less data over but also
about being able to renormalize data using some math; sampling packets
passing via an interface makes sense; dropping some well-formed NetFlow
packets (each of which contains several flows, each potentially passing
via different interfaces, etc.) has less sense. 

What you really want is a thing that, supposing for simplicity you are
sampling 1:1 at your routers, reads NetFlow packets, builds state on a
per router or more fine-grained basis, samples flows algorithmically
and constructs brand new NetFlow packets. Opposed to packet sampling
(where you only need a sampling rate as a multiplication factor), flow
sampling may require knowledge of how the algorithm does operate, in
order to (more accurately) renormalize. For example: C7600 (at least
until RSP720) was doing flow sampling and it took them three pages of
high level algorithm description (*) to give you a chance to be somehow
accurate renormalizing sampled data. 



On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 03:27:34PM +0100, KA PDE wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've recently discovered pmacct and I'm evaluating it to forward netflow
> data for security purposes to a set of collectors, some of them requiring
> less amount of data sent.
> I have a simple configuration using the tee plugin. I've managed to send
> flow information to NFsen but I'm unable to find a way of sampling to the
> other destination.Is this achievable with pmacct?
> ! nfacctd configuration
> !
> !
> !
> daemonize: true
> pidfile: /var/run/nfacctd.pid
> syslog: daemon
> nfacctd_port: 9996
> nfacctd_ip:
> plugin_pipe_size: 10240000
> plugin_buffer_size: 10240
> plugins: tee[nfsen], tee[pmacct]
> tee_receiver[nfsen]:
> tee_receiver[pmacct]:
> ! sampling_rate[pmacct]: 4096
> tee_transparent: true
> Thanks in advance and best regards,
> Pau

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