On Tue, 02 Aug 2016 17:59:14 +0200
Davide Principi <davide.princ...@nethesis.it> wrote:

> On Tue, 2016-08-02 at 10:41 -0500, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> > Time-series storage seems the way to go.  And rrd-tool seems
> > like the tool for that job.  
> What if accounting for any IP of the network is required? Wouldn't it
> require too much disk space?

Perhaps.  For some value of "too much".  But really, the point
of rrdtool is that you say how much data you want to store
and the space is pre-allocated and it never gets any bigger.
You just increasingly lose resolution as a data point ages.
Sorta the point of time-series storage.

Karl <k...@meme.com>
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