Hi Aaron,

The feature is post 1.6.1. Can you please switch to master code on GitHub?


On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 10:44:23AM -0800, Aaron Finney wrote:
> Hi Paolo/all,
> I've been unable to get nfacctd to send the Avro schema to a Kafka topic -
> I receive the following message when starting nfacctd:
> WARN: [/etc/nfacctd.conf:14] Unknown key: kafka_avro_schema_topic. Ignored.
> WARN: [/etc/nfacctd.conf:15] Unknown key: kafka_avro_schema_refresh_time.
> Ignored.
> Kafka/Avro are otherwise working; the process successfully writes the
> schema to a local file specified in avro_schema_output_file, but I'd like
> to have it send to a schema topic in the cluster itself if possible.
> Version info is below.
> Thanks!
> Aaron
> INFO ( default/core ): NetFlow Accounting Daemon, nfacctd 1.6.1
> (20161001-00+c5)
> INFO ( default/core ):  '--enable-kafka' '--enable-jansson' '--enable-avro'
> 'KAFKA_LIBS=-L/usr/lib64/ -lrdkafka' 'AVRO_CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/avro'
> 'AVRO_LIBS=-L/usr/lib -lavro'

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