Hello and a very happy New year!

If you haven't already, you can add yourself as a user on the *-Users pages attached to the Cookbook recipes and skins that you use.

Many custom markup recipes rely on a functionnality that has been deprecated since the new version of PHP, 5.5. If now or in the future your hosting provider upgrades your installation to that version, you may have to upgrade to a recent PmWiki version and to also update some of your recipes to be compatible with PHP 5.5.

We'll first fix the modules/recipes/skins that have more users (or just any users), and/or that are easier to fix for PHP 5.5. So, add yourself on these *-Users pages if you like.


To get to a *-Users page, browse to your recipe page and at the bottom of the page you'll see a link to the *-Users page. Just edit the Users page and add a line like:

* (+) ~~~~ (This will be transformed to YourName, Date)

If you maintain recipes on the cookbook and wish to update your recipe, see

Recipes that work with PHP 5.5 should be added to the [[!PHP55]] category.


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