John Rankin writes:
>> >

By my reading of the link above, all calls to Markup with a /e modifier
will stop working under 2.2.56, yes?

Not at all - every time I write about this I repeat that the existing ways will NOT stop working. We ADDED a new way to define markup rules, the old one stays.

Under PHP 5.5, the old way will trigger a warning for a deprecated usage. That's why we added a new way for those who need it.

Given the size of the task, I was planning to fix and test all the calls
to preg_replace with a /e first (which won't require a pmwiki upgrade),
then work on the Markup calls (which will). So it looks as if it would be
useful to make a temporary copy of the PCCF() function in my cookbook/.

You can test if (function_exists('PCCF')) {...} else {...}
On the linked page I wrote a section wich tests if 'Markup_e' exists.

In a lot of cases, I'm going to need the 'use' keyword to pass parameters
to the callback function.

This will not work for PHP versions 5.2 and older IIRC, and you cannot declare inline (native) lambda functions (closires) before PHP 5.3. That's why in MarkupToHTML() I export a global array with the $pagename local variable and extract() it in the callback functions. If there is a better way, that is compatible with new and old PHP versions, I'll gladly review it and use it.


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