On 02/08/2014 01:12 AM, Crisses wrote:> Just wanted to give you two
thumbs up! :)

Thank you for your positive feedback!

> Very cool.  I am not sure whether I'd use it -- we'll see because I do
> crazy stuff with PmWiki -- but I do like it.  I'd probably need it to
> accept YYYYMMDD-* to be compatible with calendars I already have on my
> systems.  I just updated BlogCalendar for that reason.

I think something like this could be achieved by tweaking the
#calendarbox section at the end of the markup. I've created a code
example that might solve your problem and added it to the talk page of
my recipe:


Demo: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PLCalDemo/CopyPasteCalendarCrisses

-- StefCT

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