On Thursday, February 06, 2014 12:56:08 AM StefCT wrote:
> Hi,
> a few weeks ago I've uploaded a new recipe named Copy Paste Calendar.
> This recipe allows you to include a calendar into PmWiki pages without
> making any changes to the wiki server (not even to config.php). All you
> need is a single page of PmWiki markup.
> Cookbook Recipe: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/CopyPasteCalendar
> Markup:
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PLCalDemo/CopyPasteCalendar?action=source
> I achieved this by combining several native PmWiki features, most
> notably the markup expression ftime, conditional markup, page lists,
> include directives, tables, forms and request parameters in the URL. The
> calendar can be customized with CSS and a few other parameters.
> I'm fully aware of the fact that there are several other calendar
> recipes in the PmWiki cookbook which will probably meet almost anybody's
> needs. However, I liked the challenge of building something like this
> without using any custom PHP.
> If anyone has advice or feedback on this recipe, please let me know.

I don't know as how useful or easy it would be for new users,
but here is Grid(RWD) version of it,

Some refining may be required,
Any feedback welcomed.


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