The latest version of the AddToWatchlist recipe allows you to configure multiple pages to watch or unwatch together if either single one is watched or unwatched:

The update will only work for newly added or removed pages, pages already in the watchlist will not have their talk pages automatically added.


On 19/02/2018 18:28, Petko Yotov wrote:
I've replied on the talk page where you asked first -- I'll try to
find some free time to implement it.


On 19/02/2018 15:28, Jim Syler wrote:
Any help here? This is a must-have feature for me. I’m trying to
figure out how to make Mediawiki do wiki farms because I can’t make
PmWiki do this.

On Feb 17, 2018, at 11:41 AM, Jim Syler <> wrote:

In MediaWiki, when you Watch a page, you ipso facto Watch its associated Talk page, whether it exists yet or not. Is there a way to replicate this functionality in PmWiki? None of the Watchlist extensions I’ve seen seem to allow this.

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