On Thu, 21 Sep 2023 10:57:17 -0700
Russ Allbery <r...@cpan.org> wrote:

> There are a few things that I've wanted to have in POD
> for a while, although nothing that rose to the level of wanting to do
> the work required to get it widely supported.

Ah curious - I'd be happy to hear ideas.

My overall feeling is that individual little updates may not seem
worthwhile on their own, but combining all the efforts together may
result in something that feels like it had enough weight to justify a
round of updates to code here and there.

In quick summary, my thoughts are:

 * underline
 * code blocks with language names
 * tables
 * and we shouldn't forget about images

U<underline> - feels pretty simple and self-explanatory. Totally
stolen from Pod6 - L<https://docs.raku.org/language/pod#Underlined>

=code perl

# This is a code fence like Markdown's ``` marker. It supports
# specifying the language, so maybe highlighters can know about it,
# but otherwise behaves like a regular verbatim paragraph
my $code = "We know this is definitely Perl now";



This is a simple verbatim paragraph that is definitely *not* Perl, so
highlighters should not attempt to highlight any of these words as if
they were "perl code", because they are not.


=code python

"""Other languages could be specified too and highlighters would then
   handle them appropriately."""
import os
import sys


=begin table

Inspiration  | Pod6's L<https://docs.raku.org/language/tables>
Additionally | Markdown has something very similar to this.


And probably we should think something about images but that one is
more complex because it's simply an external filename reference and
raises *many* questions about where those files are hosted and how
they're served over http or whatever other mechanism is being used to
view the file.

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk      |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS
http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://www.tindie.com/stores/leonerd/

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