On Mon, 2018-12-24 at 11:49 +0100, Francesco Pretto wrote:
> +    pdf_utf16be *pszUtf16 = ( pdf_utf16be * )podofo_malloc(
> lLenUtf16 + 1 );

when you malloc(), you should also free().

This particular change doesn't make sense to me. What is the exact
error there? Also, you are not allocation large enough buffer there, it
should be:
   sizeof(pdf_utf16be) * (lLenUtf16 + 1)
similarly with the next podofo_malloc(), but really, what exactly is
this fixing, please?

By the way, with so many patches and the limit of message size you
reached, I'm wondering whether a better approach would be to use the
tickets and file one for each change. There had been made some
conclusion for it in the past, if I recall correctly (it's relatively
long ago).
        Thanks and bye,

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