>         Hi,
> the PDF you sent uses NotoSans font, which is not one of the Base14
> fonts. The PDF is also such large, because it embeds the font. Using
> Base14 fonts will make the file tiny.
Actually seems base 14 fonts cannot be used with identity encoding. Try


PdfMemDocument doc;
PdfFont *font = doc.CreateFont("Helvetica", false, false, false,
PdfPage *page = doc.CreatePage({0, 0, 500, 800});
PdfPainter painter;
painter.DrawText(30, 770, "Abcde");


It produces 263 kB pdf file so I cannot send it here. Most of that are
widths for 65536 characters. Screenshot of how it looks is attached. Not
only there is bad spacing, instead of first character 'A' is there '!' and
they are uppercase? And acrobat displays warning "A number is out of

With version 0.9.3 (r1650) weights are not present so file is small but it
is looking exactly same as with latest podofo. Pdf attached.

I am not sure whether I already reported this (also what with rest of bugs
which I reported and also sent patches which are still not fixed?).

So until is this not fixed the best is to use base 14 fonts only without
identity encoding. And when using identity encoding either suppress base 14

doc.CreateFont("Helvetica", false, false, false,

This will select Helvetica from system fonts. Or the best is to use font
subsetting so pdf is much more smaller (but not as small as with base 14):

doc.CreateFontSubset("Helvetica", false, false, false,

This will raise exception "PODOFO_RAISE_ERROR_INFO(
ePdfError_UnsupportedFontFormat, "Required TrueType table missing" );" on
OSX. Helvetica here is in .ttc file but for example Arial and many other
fonts are working.
[image: Screenshot 2019-02-14 at 12.56.12.png]

Attachment: 0.9.3(r1650).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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