I submitted this patch a while ago, but didn't get a response. In case it 
slipped through the cracks, I've pasted the text of the email below, and 
re-attached the patch file.

An issue I've run into is full failure of parsing when objects are referred to 
that don't exist. Often this is due to XRef stream entries that point to 
non-existent object streams or non-existent indices within those streams. This 
should be a recoverable error.

There's a bool member `m_bIgnoreBrokenObjects` in `PdfParser`, and that member 
is exposed through `SetIgnoreBrokenObjects()`, but it's set to false in 
`Init()`, which is called by `Clear()`, which is called at the top of 
`ParseFile()`, so user-defined values are overwritten. Following the pattern 
used for the `m_bLoadOnDemand` flag, I've modified the `ParseFile()` functions 
to allow the user to pass in an optional `bIgnoreBrokenObjects` parameter 
(default false) to get around this issue. I've attached a patch to show what 
this looks like, and which also allows passing the `bIgnoreBrokenObjects` flag 
to `PdfMemDocument` constructors and `Load()` functions. It also checks the 
flag when reading objects from a stream.

Is this the right way to go about this, or is there a better way to allow 
graceful failure and continuation of parsing?
John Senneker
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Attachment: PoDoFo-ignore-broken-objects_updated.patch
Description: PoDoFo-ignore-broken-objects_updated.patch

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