On Aug 17, 2005, at 02:19, Erick Calder wrote:

I would say that the important bit here isn't that the problem exists in 0.2802 but that it exists in perl 5.8.0. that version sucks. upgrade to
.1 at least already.

well... according to up2date my Shrike box has the latest available perl on it (5.8.0) so I guess that to overcome this issue I'll have to wait till I'm
done installing Fedora Core IV on my new MacMini...

Do not believe up2date's lies! The latest Perl is 5.8.7. Is up2date part of the same package manager that says you cannot install File::Spec without
also upgrading Perl?  More lies!

I had rather hoped to get a new release of PoCo::Child out there now... but
it's waited months so i guess it can wait a bit longer...

If it's impossible to install File::Spec and/or a newer version of Perl
without using your dodgy package manager, and the only solution is to
upgrade your operating system, then I suppose the release will just have
to wait.

Rocco Caputo - http://poe.perl.org/

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