I mentioned this in the 1.020 release announcement, but it might be lost in the noise.

POE 1.020 includes retrograde versions of all its sub-modules. As a result, the PAUSE indexer has rejected them:

    module: POE::Component
   version: 1.020
   in file: lib/POE/Component.pm
    status: Not indexed because lib/POE/Component.pm in
            R/RC/RCAPUTO/POE-1.007.tar.gz has a higher version number

... and everything else but POE itself. This may also cause problems for people who rely on specific sub-module versions. I think it may also affect package managers outside CPAN.

It's an unfortunate side effect of the ongoing migration from Subversion to Git. I had to remove reliance on Subversion's $Revision $ tags, so now all the sub-modules track POE's version.

A POE 1.260 release should resolve the issue. POE and all its modules will have versions numerically greater than their highest released versions. Indexers will be happy again.

Rocco Caputo - rcap...@pobox.com

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