Agreed, a _child(lose) before the _child(create) is bad.

It should either be a _child(create)/_child(lose) pair, or nothing in this case. I'm tempted to go with "nothing" since it would be hard to fix the create/lose timing. Also the new(detached => 1) seems good, but I admit I haven't given it much though yet. Sometimes I change my mind after thinking about things too hard.

If you haven't already, please submit this to I'm liable to forget about POE bugs, patches, tests, etc. if they're not in POE's bug tracker.

Thank you again for all your help.

Rocco Caputo -

On Nov 19, 2009, at 14:00, Olivier Mengué wrote:

Hi POE fellows,

I'm in the process of rewriting the backend of my POE::Component::Schedule to make the backend session independent of others session in the system. The point is that session is just backend stuff, so it should not fire _child events to the session from which the API may have been called. Also, the schedule session is a singleton that may be used by multiple session, so it
has no reason for being attached to a particular session.
To achieve that, I'm calling POE::Kernel->detach_myself in the _start
handler of the session. POE does'nt fire _child(create) as I expected.
However I also found out that POE still fires _child(lose).

My opinion is that POE should not fire a _child(lose) event if the session
is detached from its parent in the _start handler as a 'lose' without
'create'/'gain' is inconsistent.
Also it would be better if 'detach => 1' was an argument to
POE::Session->create(): it would make the 'not attached' particularity of
this session more explicit for people reading the code.

Here is a test case that shows the current flawed behavior (tested with POE
1.006, POE 1.280):

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 7;
use POE;

my $_child_fired = 0;

   inline_states => {
       _start => sub {
           pass "_start First";
               inline_states => {
                   _start => sub {
                       pass "_start Second";
               inline_states => {
                   _start => sub {
                       pass "_start Detached";
diag "Detaching session 'Detached' from its parent";
       _child => sub {
           ok($_[KERNEL]->alias_list($_[ARG1]) ne 'Detached',
               "$_[STATE]($_[ARG0]) fired for "


pass "_child not fired for session detached in _start" unless $_child_fired
!= 2;
pass "Stopped";

Olivier Mengué

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