 I have problem when try to apply date format in existing xls file. The program
works correctly when creating new file, but when I read existing file and adding
data, format is not applied. 
My code:
initialization method:
dataFormat = wb.createDataFormat();
cellStyle = new HSSFCellStyle[metadata.getNumFields()];
String format;
for (short i=0;i<metadata.getNumFields();i++){
        cellStyle[i] = wb.createCellStyle();
        format = metadata.getField(i).getFormatStr();
        if (format!=null){

writing method:
for (short i=0;i<metadata.getNumFields();i++){
        colNum = (short)(firstColumn + i);
        cell = row.createCell(colNum);
        value = record.getField(i).getValue();
        if (value == null) continue;

Initialization method is called once and writing method can be called many 
When I create new file formats are OK, but when I try to add data to existing
file (new sheet or only add one more time the same data to existing sheet) new
dates are visible as integers.
Thanks for any help
Agata Vackova

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