David Fisher schrieb:
> On Jan 9, 2007, at 2:28 PM, Joerg Hohwiller wrote:
>> Besides I used the official POI release which is very old. I did NOT
>> try the
>> HEAD from svn.
> Jörg:
Hi David,
> You want poi3_alpha3, or something like that. (I have Yegor do all my
> POI work for me :-)
> Use the latest. I'm sure Nick is talking about it and definitely *not*
> the ancient, decrepit, last official release.
Okay, I guessed it.
> A new official release is "in the works" when the POI guys work out some
> details with the Jakarta overseers. I *think* the community will vote to
> release current stuff soon (in the next week / month?)
That would have been my next question. But I have heared things like this from
other projects (e.g. maven plugins) and I waited and waited and finally a year
passed. Besides I was a little confused that the latest release is about 2,5
years old. That means something odd has happend to the community in that time.

For my personal needs it suites well if I can use a nightly build version but
for real usage I tend to use an official version.
Good luck to all POI activists for the next release...
> Regards,
> Dave Fisher

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