On Thu, 4 Nov 1999, Malgorzata Zajac wrote:


> Wezmy do reki np. ksiazke [...]
> Otworzmy ja na str. [...]

> Przeczytajmy tez [...]

> Malgorzata
> P.S.  Panu dr Kobosowi moge jedynie polecic jedno zdanie z ksiazki
>          Johna Loftusa i Marka Aaronsa "The Secret War Against the
>          Jews", (St.Martin's Press, 1994). Nieprzychylnie do Kosciola
>          nastawieni autorzy przyznaja tam, ze "Papiez Pius XII prawdo-
>          podobnie uratowal wiecej Zydow, niz wszyscy alianci razem
>          wzieci".

  Gdziez bym smial odmowic spelnienia polecenia Pani Malgorzaty Zajac.

  Chociaz zastanawiam sie, czy polecenie Pani Malgorzaty Zajac bylo jej
niedopatrzeniem, czy moze w tym szalenstwie jest metoda, czy moze po
prostu bylo darem bogow dla mnie, wyznawcy zreszta scislego monoteizmu.

  Ale jako, ze tych innych bogow "God allotted to other peoples everywhere
under the heaven" (Deut. 4:19) wiec jednak wzielismy do reki polecana
ksiazke, otwarlismy ja na str. 140 i przeczytalismy na tejze stronicy:

Neither the Nazis nor the Western Allies paid much attention to the
suffering of the Jews during the war.  As we discussed in our last
book, Pope Pius XII probably rescued more Jews than all the Allies
combined.  Even so, the Vatican's activities were pitifully small,
and by 1944 the Zionists had given up hope of Allied rescue.  It
should be recalled that only a few months before, at Easter 1943, the
British delegate to the Bermuda Conference rejected any American
initiative to rescue the Jews for fear that it might result in an
exodus from Auschwitz to Palestine. Even after 1943, when Allied
aircraft in Italy were in bombing range of the gas chambers, John J.
McCloy, the U.S. assistant secretary of war, had ordered in writing
that no American planes be diverted to the concentration camps."

Teraz moj komentarz (amk): Szkoda, ze pani Zajac nie zacytowala rowniez
nastepnego zdania o "Vatican's pitifully small activities."

Oczywiscie jest bezpornym faktem, ze alianci nie zrobili praktycznie nic
dla ratowania Zydow. Jedyna okolicznoscia mitygujaca ich odpowiedzialnosc
jest to, ze byli oni w wojnie z III Rzesza i ze nie mieli wielu mozliwosci
dzialania na terenach przez nia okupowanych.

To nie umniejsza ich odpowiedzialnosci i winy. Nie ulega watpliwosci, ze
Churchill i Roosevelt byli antysemitami.

Ale tez ani Roosevelt ani Churchill nie stali na czele poteznej
organizacji religijnej, ktora z zalozenia ... etc, etc. A przede wszystkim
nikomu nie przychodzi teraz do glowy wynosic ktoregos z nich na oltarze i
twierdzic ile to oni zrobili dla ratowania Zydow, co czyni sie wobec Piusa

Zalecona mi przez Pania Zajac ksiazka jest ksiazka o dzialaniach
zakulisowych wywiadu, sluzb specjalnych itd. Opiera sie glownie na
niesprawdzalnych relacjach anonimowych ludzi z "branzy." Obraca sie w
swiecie luster.

Ale mimo tego, skoro Pani Zajac kazala, to otwarlismy te ksiazke na str.
84 i przeczytalismy tez:

One of James Angleton's enemies, of whom he had many, insists that
his father served as a minor point of contact and occasional courier
for secret financial transactions between the Vatican and Nazi
Germany.  That the Vatican encouraged such investments and even
donated money to Hitler himself cannot be denied.  A German nun,
Sister Pascalina, was present at the creation.  In the early 1920s
she was the housekeeper for Archbishop of the Vatican-Nazi
connection, Eugenio Pacelli, then the papal nuncio in Munich.
Sister Pascalina vividly recalls receiving Adolf Hitler late one
night and watching the archbishop give Hitler a large amount of
Church money. (7)

Sister Pascalina had absolutely no motive to discredit Archbishop
Pacelli.  She was his greatest admirer and remained his faithful
servant all her life, even after he became Pope Pius XII.  Her story
has the ring of truth, all the more powerful because it admits the
worst blunder of Pacelli's career.  It was Pacelli who later
convinced the Vatican to invest millions of dollars in the rising
German economy, money from the Vatican's land settlement with
Mussolini that ended the Pope's claim of sovereignty over territory
outside the walls of Vatican City.  It was Pacelli who negotiated the
Concordat with Hitler's Germany and then had to deal with the
consequences of his own mistakes when he became pope on the eve of
World War II.

Przeczytalismy tez na str. 531, jako cytowany tu odnosnik (7):

7. "Hitler came one night to the holy residence of Archbishop Eugenio
Pacelli.  All others in the household were asleep by then, except
Pascalina.  The nun proceeded to let Hitler in and escorted him to
the sitting room to await the archbishop.... Hitler told Pacelli
that he was out to check the spread of atheistic communism in
Munich and elsewhere.  Through the door, which had been left ajar,
Pascalina overheard the prelate say, 'Munich has been good to me,
so has Germany.  I pray almighty God that this land remain ...
free of communism...'

"For that reason, and despite the Church's historical claim of
strict neutrality, the prelate had made his goal the complete
destruction of this 'insidious new threat to world freedom and
brotherly love.' It did not come as a surprise to her, therefore,
in light of Pacelli's hatred of the Reds, to see the prelate
present Hitler with a large cache of Church money to aid the
rising revolutionary and his small struggling band of
anticommunists." Paul I. Murphy, La Popessa (New York: Warner
Books, 1983), p. 52.

Nie wiem co poleci mi jutro Pani Zajac, ale ja wsiegda gotow.

Andrzej Kobos

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